After the evaluation in July 2023 of the European Commission of the ERASMUS-proposal for the European University Initiative, it was time that all alliance partners would physically meet. PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium) decided to host all partners for 2 days during the “EU University Days”, thanks to the new budget offered by the governmental agency “Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship” (VLAIO).
On 10-11 Octobre 2023 all the rectors, general managers, vice-rectors, deans and strategic and international advisors gathered at the PXL-Campus in Hasselt to discuss new views and to improve the goals of the alliance. The 7 partners Griffith College (Ireland), Universidad Europa del Atlántico (Spain), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Technische Hochschule Rosenheim (Germany), Algebra university (Croatia), SMK university (Lithuania) and PXL university welcomed 2 new partners, i.e. Windesheim University (The Netherlands) and Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm at the table.

22 participants discussed about 5 topics which belong to the core identity of the alliance: the future of education, research, entrepreneurship, digitalisation and sustainability. Moreover, all partners decided to create a website of the alliance and to hire a EU-consultant to give basic support for a renewed proposal. Food for thought was an inspirational visit to the Corda Campus, a pioneering tech campus where business communities are created. This incubator also houses student-entrepreneurs and research center Smart ICT of the PXL university. These fruitful days resulted in a Memorandum of Agreement, signed at the PXL-Business Lounge “De Dialogue”, having an excellent panoramic view on the city of Hasselt… and the bright future.